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Deep Within
Michael- is a man whose soul purpose is to raise the awareness of the human consciousness by way of teaching the ways of TRUTH,creating music,and by living in daily inspiration. Michael is a co-founder of the Divine Source Ministries. Herlay, is a one of the co-founders of Divine Source Ministries. She is also the author of many spiritual teachings,books,journals,etc. She is an inspired young woman who's goal is to revolutionize the world by helping her brothers and sisters throughout the world realize their "true selves".
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Our Vision

is to inspire, enlighten and educate young adults at a critical point in their lives, when the transition of responsibility, accountability and spiritual interactions take center stage. Through dedication to this program we hope to see young adults have mastery over their desires, decisions and beliefs through their inner consciousness that is based on love.
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011
A few weeks ago we had the pleasure of volunteering at a local community service event for feeding the homeless in Los Angeles. This was to be the first deep within service event taking place in California. As I came up to the gate near the entrance of the kitchen it was a little hard to distinguish who was homeless and who was a volunteer. This was my first warning that the situation here in Los Angeles is very unique. 

Once we entered we were greeted by the organizers and began working right away. I was immediately inspired by my surroundings. I looked around and saw people all around me who sacrificed there Saturday morning to come make a difference. We were about to spend the better part of our Saturday serving trays, mopping floors, cleaning tables, pouring coffee, stacking chairs, lifting, pushing, and pulling boxes In the end we would all walk away feeling tired yet fulfilled knowing that we took the time out to give back….Right? 

When doing these kinds of things you tend to realize quickly that these people will leave the kitchen full only to be hungry again later. In one instance I was pouring a cup of coffee for one gentleman while I can hear him behind me saying  " Hey! I need more coffee over here!" In another instance I politely offered someone a glass of water and to my surprise they yelled back "I told you I’m all set already!" I started to think "Why am I here?" …."That’s right I am here because YOU messed up"…..so why are you yelling at ME? Before my anger got the best of me I took a pause to realize these people have been through a great deal of suffering. Not just suffering in a material sense but a deep psychological and spiritual suffering as well. It wouldn't make sense for me to get angry as I am sure that the gentlemen who was yelling at me knew no other way to express his feelings. He had no other way to express the hurt that was bottled up inside of him for so long. It is like a casket holding a dead body. When that casket is opened how can the corpse not stink? Not everyone shared this gentlemen's stinky mood. Some of the people seemed so happy, so content, so grateful, and so high off of life they almost seemed to be floating their way in between tables.

The volunteers that worked with us were very diverse. The variety included teenage Christian teens, Independent business owners, Senior citizens, and even some elementary school kids. It was with the sight of the children a light bulb went off in my head. Raising a child in an environment where they know what it means to serve is invaluable. Even more invaluable are kids understanding that not everyone is as fortunate to have the same kind of luxuries they get to experience everyday. The experience as a whole taught me that the voice that was telling me that my Saturday morning didn't make a difference was not a voice of sound judgment. Call it fear, cowardly, lazy but do not call it truth. The truth is every act of service no matter how small makes a difference. In many cases it makes more of an impact on the server than the individual being served. We later discovered that some of the volunteers helping at one point were on the other side of the table receiving meals. Coming to serve after getting their life back on track was there way of paying it forward. Your love in the form of touch is enough to inspire and transform lives. There is something to be said about serving hand to hand. Mother Teresa once said "let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they (the homeless) need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go." It doesn't matter how little of a difference you think your service will make you service can heal a generation including yourself.

Your Humble Servant,

Friday, May 13, 2011
Where is peace and why don’t I have it?

Why does it seem as though peace is only around me at certain times?  And then when I need it the most it’s not there? Why is it that I might say I have mastered the subject of peace but find that when the concept  is ready to be applied-my mind goes blank? What happened then, did I really find peace? Did I understand it completely? What is the real issue? Within the last few weeks I’ve been asking myself exactly that.

I’ve talked with as well as observed people in order to better assimilate my study of peace. In summation what I gathered is that we don’t have sound peace because we have chosen not to welcome the present moment. We tell peace to go away with thoughts that say, “this particular situation is just not going to be peaceful,” or “ I have to handle it myself”.  Allowing the mind to speak like this is to basically say that you don’t need peace to come in. Peace will therefore allow the situation to unfold until you welcome her again.
After talking and observing people I began to wonder if what they said about not having peace at all times was true. I also began to see how in certain situations we shut peace out by saying that we “got it”.  As I began to seek me more clarity, in regards to peace, I was reminded about the insight that says peace dwells in an entire situation if you choose to see her.

Peace is like oxygen air it is present everywhere. Without oxygen we cannot survive. Lack of oxygen for more than a few seconds already begins to slow brain function and even lead to a coma. Peace is within all that the earth consists of. We hear peace in the stillness of the universe through the sound OM-.

Do this exercise with me, to experience what I’m talking about. Close your eyes take slow deep breathes. Take in the moment by hearing the sounds around you. Know that peace surrounds you. Then begin to chant the sound of the universe: “OM”, “OOOM”, “OOOOOOOOOOOM”. In between breathes continue to recite the sound OM. Do this again. Allow yourself several breaths. Allow yourself to feel and to be calm. Feel your organs and the rest of your body respond to the chant.

Continual practice of this will result in an inner sense of peace, where in front of adversity your entire being will begin to recite the sound of the universe OM- You will notice that the intensity of the situation or problem no longer overwhelms you. Your peace faculty has taken over! You have begun to welcome your freedom.

With peace,
Herlay Maitre