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Deep Within
Michael- is a man whose soul purpose is to raise the awareness of the human consciousness by way of teaching the ways of TRUTH,creating music,and by living in daily inspiration. Michael is a co-founder of the Divine Source Ministries. Herlay, is a one of the co-founders of Divine Source Ministries. She is also the author of many spiritual teachings,books,journals,etc. She is an inspired young woman who's goal is to revolutionize the world by helping her brothers and sisters throughout the world realize their "true selves".
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Our Vision

is to inspire, enlighten and educate young adults at a critical point in their lives, when the transition of responsibility, accountability and spiritual interactions take center stage. Through dedication to this program we hope to see young adults have mastery over their desires, decisions and beliefs through their inner consciousness that is based on love.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010
We must push through
We must push through the doubts, the fears, the illness as well as the emotions of negativity.
We must push through the pain and the illness and decide to stand up and walk to experience the pressure and know that they were just mere illusions awakened from the stream of fear
We must push through until we see the night become clear day
We must push until we see the sun rise, we must persevere
There is an entire army by your side guiding you and steering and routing for you
We must push
We must push to realize our dream to realize our goals
The same goals that lie within us, the same dreams that drive us everyday
The dreams of mental and physical freedom
We must push though
We must through the walls of desperation and begin to exalt that we have arrived
Arrived to the land of the free, a land free of passivity and strife, a land filled with real food and nectar
We must push
We must for ourselves, for our neighbor, for our children, WE MUST!
Monday, December 27, 2010
As the year comes to an end, I’ve been reflecting on the people in my life as well as the people I meet everyday and asking myself honest questions like why I care about them. Honestly when I think about it I have to say its simply because of who they are. I’ve realized that the reflection of who they are resonates with me whether I want to see it or not. According to The course of miracles reality is changeless and though everything within and around us seemingly changes, the reality of what they truly are; is the same.
The course of miracles goes onto explain that the temptation is to think that the illusion is real. We do this by saying to ourselves that this person is different from me. Seeing difference in another creates space between you in that person. We no longer become personable, meaning we no longer become aware that we are not separate from another. We are in fact connected to them whether we would like to be or not. The truth is we must see others as we see ourselves, in essence exalt people as we see ourselves. In acknowledging the essence of ourselves in each other we praise the Christ that is within, without separation, or with a spirit of disregard.
If we begin to see the essence of ourselves within each other so much healing can occur! An awareness of healing begins to become awakened in you, causing you to change within yourself and to cause change within another. The presence within each man is Christ, this Christ is perfect! This therefore negates all thoughts that speak of difference.
The ability to heal is not an idea that is unfathomable, miracles are a part of our everyday lives, but because we are caught in the form of things, it is difficult to separate and see that miracles are present in every living moment. It is a simple miracle to acknowledge our original essence in another human being. To do so and to do it consistently is a miracle. Mother Teresa said it best when she said The success of love is in the loving - it is not in the result of loving. Of course it is natural in love to want the best for the other person, but whether it turns out that way or not does not determine the value of what we have done.”
Therefore, let us make a decision together to see past the form and look at the essence of another through our love for them that reflects through ourselves.
Peace be with you,
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Living in Real-time

When you think about your life and the great things you want to accomplish one of the first things that comes to mind is some sort of plan. We plan for every major event in our life. This is because we have been conditioned to do so. Before I go further let me say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with planning. Planning ahead of time can be one of the smartest things a human being can do, however this discussion is not of that kind of intellect. I want us to dig deeper and explore spiritual intuition. Intuition is direct perception of truth or fact. It is great to plan great things but there is something even greater…..the ability to do great things in real time. Why not love immediately? Love yourself now, love others now, your charity doesn’t have to begin when you are rich but rather when you begin to tap into the potential of your rich soul. Let us not spend all of our time planning and miss the life we have in front of us. There is a scripture in the bible that puts this into context when it states: “do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.(Mathew 6:34)" We need to display our talents, gifts, and love for each other immediately. With the same quickness as our eye lids bounce back to its resting place after a blink is the same quickness we should adopt when tapping into our infinite well of love when engaging with our brothers and sisters on this planet.  Your service to this planet starts now and not “one day ”. Your love towards yourself starts now and not after a physical change. Your living now on purpose and not coincidentally.

With love, Michael

May He...
May the peace of God surround you
May the joy of the spirit uphold you
May the love of the father overwhelm you
May the presence of his peace speak through you
May the illuminate light of purity shine within you
May the story that pours out of you, lead you
May the inner inclination of the silence guide you
May it be, let it be so....
Be blessed,

Thursday, December 16, 2010
What do the holiday’s really mean?
Does the holiday represent giving swapping and red adornments everywhere?
During this time of the year there is so much emphasis on giving and being given to; shouldn’t that mind set go on the entire year?
What exactly is it about the Christmas holiday that speaks to the heart of people more than the rest of the year. I think the spirit of giving comes from the overall or collective consciousness of this world. The overall or collective consciousness are the ideas that come across within the mind that begin to touch each living individual one by one through the expression of that idea. For example, this is the purpose of commercials. Commercials depict an idea and the idea becomes ingrained in your conscious mind and then to your subconscious mind. You will then find yourself at that particular store, or fast food restaurant you saw in that commercial.
The idea of Christmas and giving is of the same concept. If we as a collective society begin to cultivate the energy of love and of peace then love and peace is what will incur upon this world. If we cultivate the energy of giving this too will become a subliminal language that the souls on this planet earth resonate with.
Therefore, I say this holiday season let us cultivate within our hearts (subconscious mind) the energy of giving. This removes the burden of feeling like we have to buy everyone we know a gift that is material only to find that they don’t appreciate it anyway. Let us give this holiday season, a gift that is priceless. A gift that is eternal, this gift is the gift of freedom expressed through love. Buying a gift does not necessarily mean you are showing a person you love them, however the ability to express your sentiment is an expression in itself.
Peace and Love,
Herlay Maitre
Friday, December 10, 2010

I will never give up on you
I will hold on,
Giving up on you, would be
like giving up on myself.
I will never give up on you
You are who I am and I am who you are
I will always be there to see that
You smile, to see that You live,
live a full life, to live full is to
Live with purpose.
I will never give up on you
I will hold on
Monday, December 6, 2010


Is it true that your choices make the reality of what you see in front of you?
I believe they do. Your choices today do create your tomorrow however, they do not have to effect the result of now. You see the now moment is all that you have, so why not make the most of it. Why not begin to live for today and not for the decision that will be taken later. Although, the fact is true that we are to make decisions that are considered “good”, sometimes the quietness of the moment tells you all that is needed for that moment.
Oprah Winfrey said it best when she said “Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” Life tends to repeat itself, but our decisions do not have to be our ball and chain. You may decide now that your next decisions will be charged and empowered!
The time needed is usually the present time not sometime years later. Taking advantage of time is to practice befriending the concept we know as time. What I mean by this is that we must begin to stop the excuse that says, “I don’t have time”.
I’m sure Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, the creator of the X-ray could have said I don’t have time to work on anything that is outside of my 9-5 but he didn’t. As professor, lecturer and husband Mr. Röntgen could have stated that he just wanted to focus on doing his job well. Instead of making this decision Mr. Röntgen decided he was going to work on this x-ray idea on the weekend. What was found was by total accident as he was able to capture the electrical charge, we now know as the x-ray. Mr. Röntgen’s determination and passion to live in the moment now saves lives.
As we continue on this path called life, we must savor the moment and believe in every choice. To believe is simply to become certain in the ability of the divine within you. The divine within is ever-present and ready to create that which you deem imaginable.
Be blessed,
Herlay Maitre
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Captivating Thoughts Before They Captivate You

Every thought creates form on some level. There is a difference between positive and negative denial. Positive denial is when you are in your correct state of mind saying to yourself you do not have any strong holds. You are in the process of proclaiming dominion over what is often called “Darkness”. It is the act of claiming all that is good and staying consistent in that mental state.You may have been told you have a sickness or that you has some sort of limiting condition. The act of denying this condition is the act of positive denial. Negative denial comes into play when you try to simply ignore your problems instead of facing them head on. Trying to pretend as if something doesn’t exist when you have the thought buried deep in your mind that it does exist is what is called negative denial. We think positive because we know with authority that what is good is the truth. We do not think positive because there is an absence of negative thoughts. Being honest with yourself and your thoughts is so important for your well being. A spiritual teacher once told me “your addictions are not just out to inconvenience you….it is out to kill you!” . The opposite of death is life. Life is love. One of the words that describe love in an action is the act of being “thoughtful”. It means showing consideration for others. One reaches this state by being contemplative, meditative, and reflecting on the act of giving. Captivate your thoughts before they captivate you. Captivate your thoughts and let your you be you.

Peace and Love
Michael Maitre

In Love with Someone Special

I’m in love with someone its hard to explain
They make me happy and free from all pain
Loving and giving with perfect perfection
Providing a safe place with all their protection
Gentle with words and forcefully brave
Their love I will carry with me to my grave
I look in their eyes with a mirror every day
This love affair between me and myself I must save.

With Love,
Michael Maitre

Monday, November 29, 2010
Light -Heartedness
I never understood what people meant when they expressed that being light -hearted helped them not be angry. I’ve begun to understand that all light heartedness means is the ability to continuously let go, of offense that is determined to cause you to be out of your original nature.
Being lighted hearted is simply being who you really are. Who one really is cannot be conceived in mere words but it is worth attempting to describe the essence of the being that you are. For instance greatness will always remain as such, without regard or repercussion. The bible says “…as he is so are we…”1 John 4:17, and if “…he” is “light…” 1 John 1:5 then we are therefore “light”. This light I speak of is the light I am choosing to call the presence of peace that exists within every human being.
With the presence of this “light” the ability of being light- hearted is not a forced ability at all but a natural inclination. I realized that being light -hearted is not an ability that is forced but an awakened awareness of unlimited potential that oozes out in every mannerism that  encompasses you.
Light -heartedness is the essence of our exact being. We therefore can experience this everyday! What a glorious feeling of freedom to know that this limitless identity is within, around and closer to you then you could have imagined.
Let the feelings of peace fill your soul, even now and embrace the essence of your beingness that is light-hearted by simply agreeing with me by saying Amen.
Herlay Maitre
Monday, November 22, 2010

You are a blessing!
A blessing to many.
A blessing that causes those around you to smile.
A blessing that causes the broken hearted to laugh again.
You are blessing!
People that know you, don’t tell you enough.
Sometime others who don’t know you, will see you and just smile,
you have often wondered to yourself, why are they smiling?
They are smiling because they perceive the blessing that you are.
The world would not be the same without you,
your presence creates an impact every where you are.
You are a simple blessing!
The universe thanks you, and blesses you.

Herlay Maitre

Ingredients of Beauty

It’s ok to stop and enjoy the world around you. It’s ok to see the beauty in everything and everyone. There is something beautiful about your day whether you acknowledge it or not. What if we acknowledge the beauty in our lives everyday? If we spend most of our time concentrating on beauty and less time in the realm of negativity we will begin to witness a shift in the way we approach our daily redundancy. To acknowledge something as beautiful is to admit it is in balance with harmony and nature.

Take a deep breath in with your mouth closed and feel the air pass in through your nose. Now exhale with your mouth open and your lips in a blowing motion. Keep your body relaxed as you think about the beauty of Life. Maybe you will find it in the color of someone’s eyes or the divine blend of plants and animals in nature. Your search is not limited to what you can see with the naked eye; perhaps you see beauty in a characteristic of a person.

In a society where standards of beauty are always revolving let us be confident and sure of what we perceive as beautiful. The elements that we have decided are “beautiful” ought to be recognized as such. “I am beautiful”, “You are beautiful”, “My voice is beautiful” “every piece of my body is in balance and in harmony with nature”.” I am whole” “I am beautiful.”

Peace be with you,

Michael Maitre
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

In the movies mission in possible the common theme was to terminate a target that was a threat to society. In speaking about consciousness, the same could be true. However, we might begin to believe that the mission to attain a higher level of thought, supremacy of body, mind and spirit is impossible. But, I believe that we are here to display that the mission is not impossible.
The truth is everyone in some way shape or form whether they realize, is looking for the same supremacy of mind, body, and spirit. Everyone calls it a different name but in actuality it is the same subliminal freedom we all seek.
It is without a shadow of a doubt that we become all that we are meant to be, this is not to say we don’t except ourselves where we are but it is to say that we arise and seek through revelation knowledge more for ourselves through what the intuitive lead communicates through our personal time with it.
I’m choosing to call this intuitive lead; God. The Supreme Being that breathes within us each and every divine breathe. God often speaks to us as that voice of inspiration or the voice of reason we usually refer to as a hunch or a gut feeling.
What is that gut feeling telling you about your life today? Usually the gut or intuitive voice is silent while gentle. It is a peaceful touch you feel that says, to do this instead of that. While later realizing the listening to the intuitive leads decision shifted your life to a much higher frequency.
The mission of changing your present day situations, thoughts and emotions are not impossible. The simple awareness that mission is not impossible is the key needed to walk into a new arena.
Peace and love,
Herlay Maitre
Thursday, November 11, 2010

       Dr Carl Sagan once said it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. As striving young adults we tend to have a great deal of obstacles in our life that gives us stress. Family, coworkers, significant others , demanding occupations, and  school work all contribute to a constant worry or a nervous tension that we call stress. I challenge you to dig deeper.

     With every worrisome moment the natural friction of life grants us “opportunities”. Imagine if we were able to tap into a power that made every stressful moment into an “opportunity”. We have this ability deep within. You witness the periods of your life come and go leaving behind a lessoned learned to allow you to progress to a new level of understanding. Moments change only when you capture them and  make them change. When we don’t try to look at hardships as opportunities we make a conscious decision to step back into a place of self pity and unnecessary pressure. Its better to light a candle. The candle that burns within; Opposed to the outside forces of mediocrity, the sense of not having enough, and the dreaded notion that  believes that they  “cant” all these things are in alignment with cursing the darkness.

     When you wake up in the morning are you making the decision to light your candle within or to curse the world around you with tension towards your coworkers, family, significant others, and many times even yourself. Each day is a new opportunity to be everything you want to be and to experience “opportunities”. My bad day was not bad it was a day filled with opportunities to learn and to grow as a human being. My family is giving me an opportunity to reach down deep and love in a meaningful way. When these opportunities come your way remember that they cannot be a curse. For a curse is to wish adversity and misfortune to fall on something or someone. You hold the sword of opportunity that slays the self imposed curse with positive truth and light.

Peace and Blessings,
Michael Maitre
Monday, November 8, 2010
All together we breathe as one.
Underneath the radiant and marvelous sun.
Who can deny the oneness I feel.
When love overflows from my head to my heal.
All in one octave the spirits sing the meaning.
The music of love and the warmth of my being.
I mix and I match with the space that I am in.
I can’t tell where I end and the universe begins.

With Love,
Michael Maitre

When you wake up in the morning on what some might call the good side of the bed. You go throughout your day in a good mood. The good mood usually lasts throughout the day until around lunch time. Around this time some begin to find themselves tired and drained, while beginning to wish the day went by faster. This sense of fatigue now gives silent death access to rule.
One usually experiences the silent death when thinking about what they are doing with their lives and how they are not contented with their decisions, while recalling all the mistakes that have been made. The day that was surprisingly going well has turned sour. The sweet smelling aroma that once came from the smell of flowers has now turned into an atrocious organism with poor smelling roots. This is an example of the silent death creeping in. What represents the silent death is negative thoughts, negative ideations, and negative perceptions about self.
The silent death is not cancer or a sudden heart attack that creeps up on you. These are mere reflections of the silent death. The real death began after lunch, in the hour known as the time of man, the sixth hour. This is the universal time clock that begins to speak into the subconscious mind of man reminding him of all he believes that defines him. You see, the story you believe will define you. If during that hour you decide to be in a space of gratitude and prayer, the voice of the universal ego might come and taunt you but will not bear root around you because you were not distracted.
Distraction has resulted in disease without the victim of distraction even realizing it. Charles Filmore a pioneer in the new thought movement stated that disease is “an inharmonious condition in mind and body brought about by errornous thinking. Ignorance causes all disease.” Why then, must we allow the voice of silent death to create uneasiness in our bodies any longer?
Peace and love,
Herlay Maitre
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Did you know that you are the most amazing being to ever walk this planet
Di d you know
That you are a rare jewel that has been placed upon this earth for this purpose and for this time
Did you know
That the presence that describes you is not really all that you really are
Did you know
That words aren’t enough to describe the reality of who you really are
Did you know
That the universe works with you and through you to help you to see that beauty has nothing to do with makeup or attire
Did you know
That peace encompasses you and keeps you
Did you know
That your presence here makes this planet a better place
Did you know

By: Herlay Maitre

Monday, October 18, 2010
Shines upon the moon
The moon lightens the night sky
The night sky fills the earth with warmth
This warmth is the glimpse of the radiant sun returning
The sun returns to serve another day
Another day of splendor, another day of worship
The sun embraces its task and does it freely
Freely the sun receives, freely the sun gives
The radiant sun is consistent with its love and never improvised of its light
The radiant sun

Vibrant peace and love to you
Herlay Maitre
Swagger is defined by the urban dictionary as “How one presents him or herself to the world”. As young adults we strive to create that swagger because we want to stand out and leave our finger print on our environment.

What is real swagger? If it means expensive jewelry, flashy cars, and dapper outfits than the definition of swagger is nothing short of a gimmick or a false self. You….the true you  can never be defined by what you put on the outside of your body but what you display from your divine swagger within.

Lets dig a little deeper. What does it mean to present the world with your material self with a claim that somehow this empty shell is a representation of you? The answer is “False Advertisement”. False Advertisement uses misleading statements in an effort to persuade people into believing in something that is not true.

How can one display Divine Swagger? Divine Swagger is the original idea of God. Divine Swag (Swagger) is when you break all boundaries and create new norms in your society. Create new norms of love, patience, and understanding. The original idea is that there is infinite possibility within everything.

Live like you have never lived before! Expand your mind to receive all that is God. Place a contact lens on your insight. If you dig deeper into your love for others in every situation possible the results are life changing. Your presentation to the world should make it a better place to live in. This is the true representation of who you really are. It is better to be a first class you than a second class somebody else.

Peace to the Real you!
Michael Maitre
Thursday, October 14, 2010

The words on your canvas

A canvas according to is closely woven, coarse cloth of hemp, cotton, or linen, often unbleached, used for tents, sails, oil painting, etc. Canvases are basically used according to this definition a piece of linen used to display an idea. Throughout our lives there have been many ideas or words spoken about us. That have believe it or not planted seeds in us so that we could become what we are today. Those ideas or words displayed or said toward us do not all have to be negative for us to have grown into what we have become. Our own definitions stated toward ourselves are what make the extreme difference.
What are they saying?  What are they conveying?  What are the definitions of the words on your canvas?
A canvas is where an artist creates art that arises from his inner thoughts. What he feels he interrupts onto a blank canvas. What he feels he brings to life.  What he does not know, he creates an answer for.
We are natural life givers, whether you are a man or a woman you have the capacity to give birth to a dream, a goal, or a miracle. We as a people have the incredible ability to be the source to which Excellency flows. There isn’t a person on this planet that has not this ability. Some might be thinking of someone right now who they view as someone who cannot procreate. The fact is all stumbling blocks are so only by what is deeply registered or etched in the soul. We must therefore work to reprogram our subconscious mind or our soul through meditation, visioning and affirmation in order to clear the old patterns captured there by the words of our parents, siblings, and society.
Why not be the artist that redefines the art on your canvas? Instead, of allowing the individuals around us to infiltrate our subconscious mind with deprived language of death evaded thought patterns that conclude in illness to your own body. You are one canvas away from being the success you wish to see. Why not challenge the ego and elevate the brush that is in your hand to create a piece of art that has never been seen, an original piece.

Peace and Blessings
Herlay Maitre
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I recently read a story about a male college student who committed suicide. It was said that the possible reason could have been based off of a prank that was pulled on him by his college friends. His friends planted a hidden camera in his dorm room, that captured a sexual encounter with another male.
When I read this I couldn’t help but having a mixture of emotions. I automatically thought about his parents, and then about how his friends felt after hearing the news of their mutual friends death; based off of the speculation that their acts could have amounted to his death. These thoughts overwhelmed me. I then thought about what must have gone through this young college student’s mind. He came to believe that being caught doing such a profound act with another male was worthy of death.
This college student has so much life ahead of him. I imagined his thoughts now; as he visits his life and his realization that there was much more life to live. I also imagined his face when he realized the reality of death while comprehending that his purpose was not cut off the moment his friends posted their findings of the hidden camera on the internet. On the contrary, his purpose was something greater. This  purpose was not only of benefit to him but for the betterment of society. I also imagined the look on his face when he realized that his existence was beneficial to this planet and that he could have been the change that caused lives around him to become instruments of love and reinforcers of eternal truth.
While pondering upon this I began thinking about the human life and that we spend a lot of time, thinking about what we want to do, but never seem to get around to do it. It can also be said that when we finally put into practice what we want to do; we say that we don’t have the finances to put our dream into reality. The truth is the dream is not a mere picture of what we want to hold within our hands. The dream in itself has enough ability if believed in to create its own abundant flow. We see this with millions of individuals. For example, Jay Sorensen after spilling coffee on himself while driving in 1991, came up with the idea for a cardboard sleeve to fit disposable hot beverages preventing people from getting burned. The fact is we unfortunately have to be burned before we can come to a level of awareness that light exists within the darkness.

The question I pose to you today is not what are you going to invent for the sake of revenue, but what are you going to create within yourself to build legacy. A legacy is what we see in Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr and other great leaders. We see that these individuals started their mission by first seeking change in their own life. This is all while contributing to the societal collective consciousness that we experience now on this planet. They did this by the unique way in which they chose to be a vessel of love. What will be your legacy? but more importantly what will you say when you visit your own life?

Much peace and many blessings,
Herlay Maitre
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sweet Presence

Sweet presence of the moving and living God surrounds me
Peace, love and harmony embrace my entire being
Peace and love sing songs of joy while encompassing an ambiance of a soothing aroma
Soothing aroma smells like the sweet smell of creative life
Peace says there is no lack, and that there are no worries
The ever abundant river of life flow through me creating continuous supply
Love says there is no hate, for hate is only love when folded over and that within love only harmonious life exists
Joy says there is only gladness and that within gladness there is ONENESS
This ONENESS is a continuum of peace and love within the wholeness of what unravels as what we encompass within
O’ sweet presence is moving, living and oozing out of me
Sweet presence is sweet to the taste and sounds like infinite wisdom
It is for this sweet presence I am wonderful and magnificently flawless
Sweet presence of the moving and living God surrounds me

When looking up the definition of “significant other” I have found two distinct definitions. The first is a person, such as a spouse or lover, with whom one shares a long-term sexual relationship. The second is a person, such as a close friend, who is important or influential in one's life.

 I believe many of us consider a mixture of definitions, a spouse, lover, boyfriend/girlfriend who is important and at the same time influential in our life. Who is that person for you? What are your first thoughts when you think of that person? How did you first meet? I am sure some of the stories bring a smile to your face. Smile by the way stands for Soul, Mind, and Body’s Instruments Love Every time. Your smile is something that is deeply rooted in your soul and mind. It is more than just the mere expression that shows up on your face. So when you have someone who can make you smile it is a precious gift that merits much gratitude. The very first thing we must understand is that in order to love anyone we must first love ourselves. Buddha once said “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

Lets dig deep within. How much of your life are you spending with this person? With every second that passes we have a spiritual opportunity for growth. With relationships we need to ask ourselves the tough questions such as “Am I free”? Are you free? Do I look deep within the pupil of your eyes and tell you how I feel? Do I spend more time encouraging you than critiquing you? How can I be a vessel of unconditional love for you today. How can I acknowledge that you are a miracle that is unaltered by the outside influences of this world. When you see this person again try this exercise. Stand facing them. Look them in the eyes while you hold both of their hands. Tell them all of the positive words that come to mind when you think of them. End with telling them “This is you”.  This world trains us to focus on negativity. It does this by having us focus on our conditions. This also translates into our relationships. We focus on negative conditions for far too much time. Be a lover of love. Be the initiator of positive vibrations. Be the one that spends 95% of the time encouraging and 5% critiquing. Be the one that spends time focusing on love and not negative conditions. In Life we must be willing to give what we are asking for. Otherwise we will never receive it.

               Peace and Blessings, Michael Maitre

Thursday, September 30, 2010

While I am here I might as well

While I am here I might as well, be free. We spent so much time in life being discontent that by the time we get out of the “discontent” we are in our elderly stages of life. Why not right where we are in life begin to have a mind set on freedom. Freedom of the mind, is freedom of the soul, and freedom of the soul is freedom of this universe. Once we free ourselves we begin to awaken freedom in this universe. We awaken by beginning to see and experience change. We also awaken by way of creation. Once you begin to see differently you can now create an element of freedom in and around the globe.
Just a glimpse of this freedom I speak of, is able to cause a ripple effect of ever abundant life to unfold and become mysterious to the physical eye. This ripple effect is similar to the domino effect where you align all the dominos and knock down one domino to watch all the dominos come to a fall. You see that one domino caused major difference, if it did not fall all the other dominos would remain stagnant. This is the same as a thought. One thought can make or break what time of day your going to have. It has been proven that one negative thought is almost always followed by another. The glimpse of freedom does not have to be a glimpse; it could be a reality.
The only way it could be a reality is if we go back and reclaim our birthright. Many pioneers of the new thought movement like Louise Hay and Charles Filmore have explained that our birthright was always of life and not of death. I believe that this what the scripture personifies when it states “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” The spirit beings that we are, has somehow been forgotten and replaced by sickness and death. I’m choosing to call sickness (lack, poverty, disease, etc) and death (is the absence of life or creativity in the human soul). No one is born to fail, its just that the environments we are born in are conducive to failure, due to lack of knowledge about ones original nature and birthright. If you become aware that you are a King and not a Peasant will you not accept the role of King? I know by saying we are where we are by lack of knowledge. The ego might take a offense to it but its perfectly fine to challenge the ego. This is beneficial; this might even cause its death, which is the beginning of freedom.  The truth is as spiritual beings we recognize that we are not created in the image and likeness of God to fail.

In essence the thoughts we think either pollute the world or save the world. Yes. We have that much power. While we are here, why not elevate our mind and speak to see the end of poverty and lack within our lives and the lives the people around us by of remembering our birthright. John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Peace and Love,
Herlay Maitre

Monday, September 27, 2010
Why is it that we are always looking to find something wrong, in someone, or something? It’s like were continuously finding something to ponder upon. As women it may be our weight, this looks good and this area does not. As men it may be how much we make a year or our persona in front of our friends and family.
You see the underlying thing here is that we are always looking for something to critique or criticize to say that something else is better. I’ve recently begun to understand that the time it takes to criticize and look at the outward form of things is that exact same time we can be using to arise in conscious awareness. Conscious awareness is where one begins to look around them with a different reference of sight. This sight is called the third eye; the third eye is of divine perception.
This eye was the sight through which Jesus could look at a man and call him healed, even though everyone saw the person was maimed or ill. This third eye is the sight we must begin to see with. Once you begin to see with this sight things in your life will begin to shift. You will find that you no longer worry about your position or your weight; you literately have begun to see your physical body as the carrier of something much more divine. You become reminded of your purpose and begin to comprehend that your physical body is a mean to which the Divine himself has come to express himself.
I have personally found that trying to ponder upon what I would like to change and what I do not have opens conversation to the same speech. This type of negativity does not cause expansion but pollution. This pollution happens in the soul. Pollution in the soul will manifest to the physical body and cause illness and other types of ailments. We collectively as a society look past the enemy which are these thoughts and move forward with a new sight, to begin to say I’m above and not below and that I have greater concerns towards this universe I live in. Once the mind begins to elevate the body will naturally follow. Truth is you can’t be in a derogated mindset but expect fullness of life. This would be the equilvant of a magnet being attracted to a negative pair instead of a positive pair.
Will you decide to enter a new field today? I believe that one person entering a field of conscious awareness is the beginning of the salvation of this nation as we know it.

 Peace and Love,
Herlay Maitre


Warm and soft to the touch
We are one
We are sand
Unique and allowed to stand alone
To be called a grain, yet collectively
We are sand
Perfectly aligned, perfectly put together for the purpose of being one
How can anyone of us lack?
Which one is greater than the other
As you search deep within our layers
There is no ending…
We are sand
We are one
We are beautiful
We are whole,
We are warm and soft to the touch
Because of our radiant sun
Beautiful as grains yet perfect as one

Peace and blessings be with you
Michael Maitre
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Is to begin to see differently
Is to begin to see clearly
Is to begin enjoying life within
Is to begin living, acting, speaking in the richness of the resurrected Christ from source deep within
Is to see and resurrect that which is inside the “source”
Is to awaken in others truth and its presence
Is to begin to transform that which is considered illness in the natural into what is known and seen as the glory of God.
So now begin to see, create, move and transform!
Experiencing TRUE identity

What would it take to acknowledge that there is someone else moving, acting and speaking through you?

How long are you going to wonder about the presence within you that makes an appearance of excellence every so often? You, know what I’m talking about the presence that is full of love when everyone else is full of bitterness at that particular time. Or remember that time when you gave your last dollar to someone who you felt needed it? What about that time you thought you were going to die but somehow you made it through?

Perhaps these examples may have rug a bell, if not I’m sure you have had at least one moment that brought you to thinking about what I’m choosing to call the “life deep within”. You see the life deep within is the life that resonates with you at times when you’re looking  for an answer and you have the inclination that tells you to lean right while opposing the left. The life deep within is your spirit, your Divine Spirit that is the most precious seed you were formed with. You see, you are more than you think you are. The precious seed you were crafted with is that which is your “True Being” whether we realize it or not the house you point to is not your home until you step inside and dwell.

We must choose to dwell in the house within, the “life deep within” that we may experience the fullness of life. It could be said that you can achieve so many great things in life such as graduation from college, marriage, and the experience of having children but never fully experience living from the life within. Without experience from the life within, you were not really living at all.

The life experienced from the essence of your true identity is the life that most of all fruitful. Jesus teaches that “…He cuts off every branch that does not produce fruit in me…” John 15:2. This means that (God within) cuts off every connection in our mindset that is resistant to change. Jesus also shown us the revelation of mind renewal when he said that one should be “transformed by the renewing of your mind” Roman 12:2. Furthermore, Jesus taught us how to do this when he went away prayed to His father as stated by the father. Prayer is the innermost umbilical connection a mother has with her child, where the child retains all of his/her nutrients. This is the same connection we have with our eternal source within. We pray by simply allowing our “beingness” to connect with the life source within. There are many ways of doing this, for example meditating, singing, and chanting.

Life is so uncertain when there is no evidence of the defining presence within one’s soul. People are dying every day only to realize that there was a life that they fell short of. Therefore, why not begin lean unto this presence within today!

May peace and blessings abide with you,
Herlay Maitre
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I always thought it was interesting when folks talked about having a “Godly fear” towards certain things. For example sex before marriage and other “obscene” or “grave” sins that are thought to bring one to (mental) hell, if committed. This information can be misleading. Just to be clear I do not promote sex before marriage, without proper understanding of what marriage truly signifies.
I find it baffling that a God that permeates as love can be anything else. It is understood that; “Godly fear” means that an obscene sin is committed and punishment with consequence will follow. Godly fear can also be understood that one has a reverence for God and will endure challenges to overcome the nature of sin to maintain the blessing of God. This is all necessary, however detrimental when thought about in the God Mind.
A God that is love cannot be the same God that we fear. God is love, God is not fear. Nor does he have content of judgment within him. To say that God is fear is to say as the Course of Miracles affirms that to fear God is to be afraid of joy. Since God is Good with a capitol G, we can only find the supremacy of the evidence of Good within him. Therefore, only happiness, love, peace, and harmony can exist in and around him.
God is not to be feared; instead the ideals of God need to be respected. In essence as we respect God, we value and uplift ourselves. This is why it is important not to be afraid of God. It is imperative that we embrace the life that is within us and around us. This is truly loving and upholding God that we may behold the beauty of life unfolding. 
Having fear separates us from God. God does not want to be separate from us. God desires that we actually realize that he is closer than we think. To be afraid of this statement would be to be afraid of feeling air rub against your skin. God is all in all, not someone in the sky that we imagine with a cane waiting to strike people and send them to hell. But a God of love who essence is within the water we drink, the arm we lift and within the breathe we take.
There is no point of being afraid of God. To fear God is to fear joy, happiness, love, etc. Most people do not fear these attributes because they are Good. Today I’m here to tell you that God is joy, happiness, love, etc. Therefore there is no need to fear!
Mistakes do not have to be defined as wrong action. However, the new definition I’ve chosen is that which is an opportunity of the ideal promotion of self development and transformation into the ideal man. In essence what the world’s collective consciousness tells us is a mistake is actually an immense blessing to the individual acquiring spiritual awareness.
Peace be with you.
Herlay Maitre
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The Voice
     The human voice can be used to express certain emotions such as anger, surprise, happiness and even sadness. It can be used as an instrument by those who have the gift of singing. Have you ever sung your favorite song in the shower? What kind of feeling does that give you? Do you hold back or do you sing at the top of your lungs? Do you sing random songs? Do you sing songs based on your mood? In this instance we see the voice as an expression of feeling from within.

     In another instance “voice” is used in a metaphor describing the calling of ones life. When an individual considers themselves in their element or in a realm where they are expressing their talents, creativity, and passions it is said that they have found their voice. Think of anything that you have excelled at. Think of any kind of gift that comes natural to you this can be a sport, a certain subject in school, something you excel with at work,  drawing, painting, playing an instrument, community service, being a great listener……. Now imagine that each time you use that talent or gift you are able to create healing in some way shape or form to someone’s life; here the voice is an element of action. It is an action that has started from within the mind body and soul and has now taken form.

     We see this term used in yet another instance when a politician gains momentum in a race. This usually occurs when they deliver a consistent message that becomes popular by the audience. The element of capturing the attention of others suggests that the politician has found their political voice. Think about your day to day interactions with your family, friends, classmates, co-workers, teachers,  and strangers. What would it be like to go through a whole day of 100% peaceful interactions with others? Lets take it one step further imagine a day where all your conversations from morning till night in some way shape or form brought out the best of everyone in its path. In this last element we can see that the “voice” is an element that describes the impact or influence one has with people.

     If we pay attention all of these elements describe our voice DEEP WITHIN. The perfect being that is inside of you is comprised of a voice that has expression, positive motion and action, and influence and dominion over negativity. Have you found your inner voice? The truth is you have always had it. From the moment you were in the womb. It is truly not a matter of finding it but remembering it. You cannot find what you haven’t lost. The world is like an audience you are on stage. The time is now. Its time to step up to the microphone and let the world here your voice.

Michael Maitre