About Me

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Deep Within
Michael- is a man whose soul purpose is to raise the awareness of the human consciousness by way of teaching the ways of TRUTH,creating music,and by living in daily inspiration. Michael is a co-founder of the Divine Source Ministries. Herlay, is a one of the co-founders of Divine Source Ministries. She is also the author of many spiritual teachings,books,journals,etc. She is an inspired young woman who's goal is to revolutionize the world by helping her brothers and sisters throughout the world realize their "true selves".
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Our Vision

is to inspire, enlighten and educate young adults at a critical point in their lives, when the transition of responsibility, accountability and spiritual interactions take center stage. Through dedication to this program we hope to see young adults have mastery over their desires, decisions and beliefs through their inner consciousness that is based on love.
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Monday, March 28, 2011
As the day passes by; while we are at work, completing tasks or running errands. What are the types of thoughts that go through your mind? We may even go about thinking about our next move while forgetting about the current move in front of us. We may even have a random thought about life in general, or about how this person just cut you off in traffic.

As I think about my own thoughts I often get a headache because they are happening so frequent. But what I have recently realized is that no matter what the thought is whether about traffic or your next item of purchase it is important that we choose our thoughts by allowing the universe’s experiences to bring us to higher ground; in our mind that is. If we don’t choose our thoughts they will surely destroy us. By not choosing our thoughts we are allowing the collective beliefs of the people around us to infiltrate and become more than we would like them to be. Allowing someone else to think for you removes your own innate imaginative quality and replaces it with a fear. We therefore, we need the universe to teach us as well as empower us. The universe is God’s way of teaching us. We see this in the scriptures often; an example of this is when Jesus compares Solomon to lilies in field in Matthew 6:28-29.

The universe is the Divine Mind of God in manifestation; therefore through it we understand and take into account lessons of mental freedom and peace. For example, as thoughts of confusion in dissonance fill your mind “look up”. Seriously, by “looking up” there is so much peace that comes from being reminded that you are living!

In looking up you are sure to have quick relief of the frequent mental conversations. While looking up into the sky your mind is clear in that moment; in that moment so much can happen. You begin to contemplate the beauty of the earth and commune with the glory of the beauty you are experiencing. In doing this your level of existence will begin to expand beyond yourself and what was a blur will become clear simply because you are no longer focused on self.

As the day passes by look up and contemplate the beauty of the Divine Mind in manifestation by looking up and experiencing the beauty of love, life and gratitude. I therefore challenge you today to look up and experience the gratitude that universe brings to you after you realize that your ultimate needs are met.

Peace and Love,

Herlay Maitre