About Me

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Deep Within
Michael- is a man whose soul purpose is to raise the awareness of the human consciousness by way of teaching the ways of TRUTH,creating music,and by living in daily inspiration. Michael is a co-founder of the Divine Source Ministries. Herlay, is a one of the co-founders of Divine Source Ministries. She is also the author of many spiritual teachings,books,journals,etc. She is an inspired young woman who's goal is to revolutionize the world by helping her brothers and sisters throughout the world realize their "true selves".
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Our Vision

is to inspire, enlighten and educate young adults at a critical point in their lives, when the transition of responsibility, accountability and spiritual interactions take center stage. Through dedication to this program we hope to see young adults have mastery over their desires, decisions and beliefs through their inner consciousness that is based on love.
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Sunday, September 19, 2010
I always thought it was interesting when folks talked about having a “Godly fear” towards certain things. For example sex before marriage and other “obscene” or “grave” sins that are thought to bring one to (mental) hell, if committed. This information can be misleading. Just to be clear I do not promote sex before marriage, without proper understanding of what marriage truly signifies.
I find it baffling that a God that permeates as love can be anything else. It is understood that; “Godly fear” means that an obscene sin is committed and punishment with consequence will follow. Godly fear can also be understood that one has a reverence for God and will endure challenges to overcome the nature of sin to maintain the blessing of God. This is all necessary, however detrimental when thought about in the God Mind.
A God that is love cannot be the same God that we fear. God is love, God is not fear. Nor does he have content of judgment within him. To say that God is fear is to say as the Course of Miracles affirms that to fear God is to be afraid of joy. Since God is Good with a capitol G, we can only find the supremacy of the evidence of Good within him. Therefore, only happiness, love, peace, and harmony can exist in and around him.
God is not to be feared; instead the ideals of God need to be respected. In essence as we respect God, we value and uplift ourselves. This is why it is important not to be afraid of God. It is imperative that we embrace the life that is within us and around us. This is truly loving and upholding God that we may behold the beauty of life unfolding. 
Having fear separates us from God. God does not want to be separate from us. God desires that we actually realize that he is closer than we think. To be afraid of this statement would be to be afraid of feeling air rub against your skin. God is all in all, not someone in the sky that we imagine with a cane waiting to strike people and send them to hell. But a God of love who essence is within the water we drink, the arm we lift and within the breathe we take.
There is no point of being afraid of God. To fear God is to fear joy, happiness, love, etc. Most people do not fear these attributes because they are Good. Today I’m here to tell you that God is joy, happiness, love, etc. Therefore there is no need to fear!
Mistakes do not have to be defined as wrong action. However, the new definition I’ve chosen is that which is an opportunity of the ideal promotion of self development and transformation into the ideal man. In essence what the world’s collective consciousness tells us is a mistake is actually an immense blessing to the individual acquiring spiritual awareness.
Peace be with you.
Herlay Maitre