Deep Within Love Website
About Me
- Deep Within
- Michael- is a man whose soul purpose is to raise the awareness of the human consciousness by way of teaching the ways of TRUTH,creating music,and by living in daily inspiration. Michael is a co-founder of the Divine Source Ministries. Herlay, is a one of the co-founders of Divine Source Ministries. She is also the author of many spiritual teachings,books,journals,etc. She is an inspired young woman who's goal is to revolutionize the world by helping her brothers and sisters throughout the world realize their "true selves".
My Blog List
I find peace12 years ago
Consistency13 years ago
Purpose13 years ago
God is Truth14 years ago
Our Vision
is to inspire, enlighten and educate young adults at a critical point in their lives, when the transition of responsibility, accountability and spiritual interactions take center stage. Through dedication to this program we hope to see young adults have mastery over their desires, decisions and beliefs through their inner consciousness that is based on love.
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Friday, December 9, 2011
Come dine with me
Allow me to sip on your cup, the cup of life
Come rest with me
Allow me to rest at your side, the smell of your love makes me whole
Come and walk with me
Allow me to hold your hand, as the wind kisses my cheeks, I’m reminded of your oneness with me
Come, let’s talk about life
Allow me to be reminded about the life I’ve lived, so that I may continue in the life that I have
Come and dine with me.
Come and rest with me.
Come, lets talk.
Let’s gaze into each other’s eyes and become one.
Hold me, that I may melt into you! Trust me with your heart and I will trust you with mine.
We are one. We are the same. We have entered into each other for life.
Love, Herlay
Love, Herlay
Saturday, November 19, 2011
The heart of life (Corazon de Vida Foundation), was the name of the orphanage we went to. The children are truly the heart of life. Imagine, if we were to go through the innocence of the heart every time were about to embark on a new journey. For if the heart is pure, then the mind will also be pure. If the mind is pure then the actions will also be pure. This is the essence to which we are all trying to go back to; the essence of purity. Purity or innocence does not mean ignorance. Purity and innocence simply mean that you are living from the highest form of who you are. You except that who you are is coming from the Source; The Divine Source.
Going to the orphanage was a real life experience. As I sat out and watched the children interact the feeling I got was these children have so much potential. How could they go through so much at such a young age. The younger children were happy. Their eyes reacted as if nothing else mattered in that moment, but your interaction with them. The older children, you can tell that life had taken a toll on them but that they would decide to stand and live any way.
I wondered to myself how a parent can say I’m leaving this child behind! Either way, you can tell when looking into these children’s eyes, they were attached to no thing. They were simply grateful! They were grateful for the pizza they were about to receive, they were grateful for the games they were about to play, they were grateful for the hugs they were going to receive. They were simply grateful for life as they knew it. It was as if they were saying “don’t feel bad for me, I’m going to be OK, but thanks for coming!”
The interactions between the volunteers and the orphans were breath taking. You can tell that the people really enjoyed being with the children and that all that was important at that time was the children. The children I noticed took particular attention to volunteers who were naturally loving. The volunteers that sat around the children were passive around but the volunteers that picked up the children, played with children and laughed with the children were the ones that the children choose to bond with. There was one particular woman who was volunteering and came into the nursery. The moment she got in there a boy who was feeling sick took notice of her and sat on her lap. When she tried to put him down, he would cry; she then would rush to pick him up and continue to rub his back. I watched her interaction with him for some time and realized that their bond was far deeper than one can see with their physical eye. The boy soon felt better, and went off to play but that bond that was built was an incredible one; this bond I’m sure would last for eternity.
After leaving the orphanage I began to re-evaluate the things that were important to me. I thought about the bonds that we make and how those bonds can last for an eternity. As I thought about my own interaction with people I realized how important it is to remind them that their present situation, or misfortune does not define who they are. In essence these were children who are ready and willing to be loved, caressed and cared for.
At the end of the day you realize that although materialism is needed for the everyday function of life. What these children have, some millionaires will never have and that is pure love. Love that sees past color, race, creed, weight or height! Love that is able to seep through any wall. This is love, to be unstained by this world, while understanding the importance of emanation of love.
The concept of the heart of life is to remember the presence deep within while honoring this presence and allowing this presence to encompass the entire human that you are, so that you might become full. To be full of the presence of life, means that you become fully human. You become the embodiment of Christ, the nature of love in the physical body!
We must therefore strive to be who naturally are!
Within love,
Herlay Maitre
Sunday, November 6, 2011
In our society It is common to spend a majority of our lives striving for something that was created on a subconscious level. In this realm we are implementing the things that were placed within our subconscious. If 99% percent of our decisions arise from the unconscious, can we truly say that we are free to make decisions on our own?
There are many emotions and feelings that arise from the subconscious level that we are often unaware of. These emotions, attitudes, and behaviors are often in us before we are born. In addition there are elements that can accumulate in this realm from the moment we arrive on earth. The subconscious level can be a repository for socially unacceptable ideas,wishes or desires,traumatic memories, and painful emotions.
Not all elements in this realm are negative.This makes me think of people who never went to school but were able to effectively work and create their fortune. In this situation would you say that this is learned behavior or would you say that this behavior is engrained?
I think that it is engrained, meaning people came to this planet with the specific gift of being able to create fortune. There are some behaviors however that are learned through the simple process of life.
The question that arises in the vast topic of the unconscious is how to truly live?
It seems that the subconscious has a direct impact on our lives and how we live it. One might say there is a danger in living life unconscious because of what is in the subconscious realm. This is where awareness comes in. Are we fully aware of our actions and our reasoning behind our actions?
We know we are truly living in a space of awareness when we are creating from a place of peace. When we begin to feel like what we are doing is routine or that what we are doing doesn’t originate from ourselves we know in that moment we are mere robots to our subconscious.
Having the power to create your everyday moments is truly living. Feeling alive is doing that thing in which you were born to do and feeling ultimate joy while doing it. You will quickly find that the piece of art you are creating causes everyone around you to be releasing their ideal self as well. Living in the realm of the unconscious simply means you are not Living, you are merely existing; breathing some air and going about the routines of life.
It is therefore important that we ask ourselves, what we are creating for the generations to come. If you do not feel a sense of urgency surrounding this consider the following question:
If you were to pass away tomorrow, what would others say that they have gained from your existence? If you think they would make mention of mostly material possessions, I say to you that you need to work on giving people around you what is eternal. Let’s decide to be who we truly are.
Let us claim our power today!
With Love,
Herlay and Michael Maitre
Monday, September 26, 2011
Written by Michael Maitre
Excerpt taken from “Every Muscle of my Soul”
I remember that cold night. The temperature was -33 degrees and the bitterness of the cold was so piercing that it felt like small razor blades were slicing large slits into my cheeks. I didn't say much on that ride to the airport. I gazed out the van window looking down at the ground intensely as if all the answers to life's impossible questions were written on it. I was on my way to move with everything I had to a new land. This was a time to start new;meet new people, start a new job, and forget about all the misery I had endured for the past few years. As I looked down at the ticket I realized that although the ticket stated the destination I had no clue where I was going. It was then it dawned on me. Running from your problems physically only leaves you alone and with more problems to run from.
My time in the new land was bittersweet. Upon arriving I realized that I was on my own. Free to grow as a person. Free to make every kind of mistake one can think of without any one there to criticize me for it. I quickly indulged in what I like to call a mentally and spiritually abusive relationship. I made friends quick or at least relationships that I thought were friendships. There I was, in a land far from home, a fun loving-highly animated clinical analyst by day and a depressed-self pitying lost soul by night. It was with this experience I began to witness the unfolding of my spiritual understanding of the world around me. One night while crying in the shower (which I did often) I came to a stunning realization...
When an object breaks it is forcibly separated into two or more pieces. My life situation has caused my consciousness to be fragmented, scattered, and at some moments absent. Consequently it was through this process of which I reached an incredible epiphany….Nothing in life is worth more attention than the muscles of your soul. Each being that God has created has Love and can tap into that Love. Far too long I have been longing to Fall in Love with illusions not realizing the significance of the spirit that dwells in me. My Love is here and now. Life is here and now. My future cannot be if it wasn’t for now. My past does not exist if it isn’t for now. This moment is the definition of my existence. When I Inspire, uplift, defend, and uphold others in the name of Love I am fulfilling my life’s purpose; for I am Love and Love dwells in me.
To be continued......
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Trying to maneuver your way through hard times seems like such a drag doesn’t it? It feels as if its never going to end, as if its going to drag on forever; a never ending roller-coaster. How frustrating! How miserable! How dreadful!
Though the hard times seem as though they are simply never ending, I’m always grateful for the silver lining in the dark cloud. For me that is the peace I feel within. This peace pushes me past the clouds and into the sun. It gives me great relief, I may not know for certain how long this endless war will last but I’m refreshed inside in knowing that somehow I’m going to make it past the present moment of perceptions of doubt.
Where do I get this peace you ask?
I believe I have this peace because the spirit of God created it. I remember as a child going to a village in Haiti and telling the people there that I was going to meet their needs. I remember promising them that I was going to come back with all of the gifts and necessities they wanted and needed. At that moment, in a time that I had very little, I knew that was going to make a difference. It was the inner peace that told me that some way, some how it was going to work out. Many times this voice can be faint but if you stop and take time to listen it becomes very loud and clear. Beyond all the noise of your mind, there stands a voice of peace centered in the core of your soul.
I remember thinking of this many years later and remembering the spirit of God is fueling my soul. I remember envisioning the spirit placing blessings into my pockets so that I might go and bless others with it. I now understand that this was my first encounter with the spirit of truth. In this encounter I remember feeling as if I would never have to wonder about peace again.
Years later I go back to that encounter and recollect all of the insight that was given to me. I thank God for that gift of peace today. When life seems like a roller-coaster, when tough times are fully present, I return to the voice of peace within and know that in the song of life the voice of peace is in perfect pitch and harmony with the universe.
Love Herlay and Michael
Saturday, September 3, 2011
You are the art of nature created to be marveled at. Nature is the tool that created you. Within this tool we call nature we see ourselves. This nature we are choosing to call the image of the universe.
The image of the universe is the image of God. In the universe we see the fields of light. When everything is seen at a molecular level it is seen as light. If this is true, we human beings are also light at a molecular level. This light is called the Christ of God, or the seed of God.
The seed of God or the Christ is who our authentic nature is made of. This Christ is also the light I’m referring to. This light resides within the human soul, some even say that this light is the human soul. When you recognize this light within you, you realize that truth that is within you. You understand that your nature is transparent, it is made up of an image, this image the bible states is the image and likeness of God. The image and likeness of God is the same image that resides within you. This is also the image that we move and have our being within.
You are a work of art. The art that is within this light is love. This love is the same love that came forth within the time of the earth creation. This art was what we saw when we opened our eyes as children. As children we saw everything in amazement and wonder. As children we saw everything as beautiful. This beauty is the same we have forgotten about as adults. This beauty reminds of it self but we still seem to get detracted by the affairs of life. Not the affairs of life are not important; the light, the love, the image of Christ are also within the affairs but we still do not remember that the purpose of these affairs is to draw closer to the light, the love and the Christ that within, so that we might recognize our authentic self and become one with it, once again.
We are here to remind each other of this art. This is our purpose, to bring about art with true authenticity captured in love.
With love,
Herlay Maitre
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
I recently was on a flight where there was major turbulence. As I sat in panic, I began to think my life is over. I felt like my life flashed like a beam of light in front of me. I was quickly reminded of my divine life and my divine abilities, through the Holy Spirit. The power that Holy Spirit gives is one that surpasses all understanding. The Holy Spirit is the essence of God living within man. This essence creates in man a divine understanding as well as power that enables him to move the mountains that arise in our everyday circumstances.
Living in a realm of constant awareness of a higher being running your life is freeing. Being reminded of this essence while sitting on that airplane right away, helped me to understand more and more that I have a purpose and because of this purpose I cannot die until its completed. I think about great men who had dreams of the similar purpose of making the planet a better place for people to live and how they spent their lives contributing to the overall good. These great people shared with us their life, as well as their vision for the life that we should have. We see this in people who have a dream and peruse that dream. For example Abraham Lincoln who was a self taught individual realized freedom needed to come, he therefore began this need for change in the lives of Africa Americans. Dr. King had a dream where he stood for individuals who lived in inequality and disparity of mind and decided to conduct a movement directed toward non violent change. President Barak Obama saw that our government needed a change and that we as of people deserved to experience real change. He saw this and put himself on the line to meet the need. What is it that’s consistently on your mind involving change.
You see, the ability to create change doesn’t start when you simply say it should. It starts when you stand up and create the plan to which you want to apply this change. Change starts with belief. Belief in yourself, belief in your dream and belief in the presence within you that brings the dream into fruition.
Living a purposeful life without wavering weather is unrealistic. Living a purposeful life is embracing all the events that might come, while allowing them to educate you; creating a better more ideal you. Learning to master the storm when it comes is the key, to wisdom; the inner awakening of the divine experience in you. In mastering the storm, you also master the elements of your own life events. Essentially the storm is actually within you. In calming the storm within you are able to live life the way it was intended; with passion and with love.
Mastering the storm and living a purposeful life go hand and hand. Calming the storm starts from the calmness that lives within the inner man. The inner man moves mountains and wakens joy all at the same time. Make a decision today to calm the storm within you.
With Love,
Herlay Maitre
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Lately I’ve been feeling as if life is going by so fast. Its like I can project an event to occur months from now and tomorrow the time comes for the event to happen. The event then flies by. Its amazing how fast life happens. I recently had a birthday and the same thing happened, I felt as if I went to bed a teen and woke up a married woman. The concept of time and life is truly fascinating.
As I was pondering on how fascinating life is, I started to think about the things I’d achieved and realized they were all good, but in my opinion not good enough. I started to think about other people who were my age and the great things they had achieved and realized wow, I have a long way to go. As the self pity started kicking in, it dawned on me that I needed to change my definition for achievement.
I was lead to begin reading inspirational stories and came across a quote that put me right back on purpose. As I read it, it read me. It spoke directly to my soul. It was as if my spirit began speaking to me saying, “why are you worried about achievements and material gains? “When you have all you need right here?” I continued to read the quote that said, “we are all here for a divine purpose, once you have found your purpose in this life time, use it by making a difference in your everyday affairs.” As I read this over and over again I realized wow, as I sat hanging out in my pity party, I’m losing the essence of the reason I have come on earth. It came to me that not fulfilling your passions everyday whether through writing, singing, or simply living excitingly is a life that is not fully lived. This is a life that at the end of their days will sit back and say, “wow, it was fun but I don’t feel as if I have done what I have come here for.” I would hate to be in that person’s shoes.
As I began to think about this further, I realized that we have to continue to silence our ego with the voice of truth. Truth is that which is eternal. The bible calls the word of God irrevocable, Romans 11:29. The bible also says that he has placed the word in your mouth, Romans 10:8. If the word is in our mouth, the word is therefore within us. If the word is with us, we have truth. The true word of God sets us free. We must allow the word of God to set us free by allowing the word to speak to us from within as we ponder on it. The word within us has life transforming ability. The word is energy, the word is life. This word again is within you, not by default or mistake but by grace. What will you choose to allow it to say to you today?
May peace and love walk with you,
Herlay Maitre
Saturday, July 9, 2011
I once read a story about a man who was cleaning out a fish tank and put the fishes in his bath tub. To his surprise the fish did not move about the tub, they simply made the movement of the four dimensions of a tank as if they were still in it. Other fascinating stories were about African American learners in the south trying to make a monumental difference for the African American society today. Story after story of Marcus Garvey, Booker T. Washington, and Rev. Al Sharpton had me in amazement.
What came across so vividly was the inner strength of voices that desired equality and respect. The ability to swim through the entire tub and look past the four by four glass cube, in absence of limitation. I then began to ask myself questions about what was holding me back from swimming the entire length of the tub. I realized that it was mental barriers are deeply seated in mind. I then began to see that this fear has been here since before I was born. This fear has encompassed my mother and father and those who came before them.
Although some these days might call themselves successful because of their material means, they still on some level remain in fear. This is what I’m choosing to call the fear of going within. You know you fear to go within when an idea comes to your mind; an idea that will benefit mankind, you get excited about the idea as you think about it, you dream about it and then abruptly realize you should get out of the fantasyland you’re in. You convince yourself to forget about it because you can’t begin to think about how your idea will come to life. You forget about it and years later a person comes out with your same idea and you think to yourself if I only pursued that idea! Ha!
The amusing thing about it all is that this idea never died. It was muted within your own mind because you allowed it to be. Never the less, you received the idea through divine inspiration and because you have done so it remains in the infinite that it came from. You see, because it was in the infinite mind someone else accessed it and brought it to life. The point to all this, is to tell you to make a conscious decision to inquire within. Doing so will give you access to infinite potentials; there is a space of joy and power there. Your store house is within not without. Do so through prayer, meditation and moments of inquiry. All the answers we see are right within us. This is the meaning of …seek and he will be found by you….Jeremiah 29:13.
-peace be upon you, all around you and within you
Herlay Maitre
Monday, June 27, 2011
The Nasty Coworker
Divine Observation Part 1
Excerpt from Every Muscle of my soul
Have you ever felt negative feelings towards a co-worker, Family member, or ex-spouse. Have you ever felt that there are certain people you just don't like?
One of the biggest factors that contribute to the erosion of peace in our modern society is the dangerous practice of blind judgment. Judgment that is derived from a person's shortcomings, alter ego, and misunderstood actions.
When someone has wronged you it is easy not to like them. Understandably, our perception of that person becomes molded by the negative experience we have had with them. I once had a co-worker who was on my “don't like” list since day one. For the sake of confidentiality I will refer to this person as Ms. Lovely. The first day I met this person they began bossing me around. The interesting thing about it was that I was Ms. Lovely’s manager. Right away all these thoughts began to fill my mind about how Ms. Lovely was going to be insubordinate, easily angered, stubborn, back stabbing and any other nasty things a co-worker can be.
My thoughts quickly became reality as this person started to dig into my nerves deeper than ever experienced my entire existence. Not only did this individual question my leadership Ms. Lovely went so far as to report me for not giving her enough attention. It almost seemed that her sole purpose in life was to hurt me to the point of hating her.
One day while working at another location with another one of my teams I received a disturbing phone call from the office. It turned out that Ms. Lovely had facilitated a meeting in which she scolded the team for their poor performance, so harshly that she not only offended everyone but she left some in tears. Heads were hanging low. Feelings were hurt. And the morale of the group was crushed.
Why was Ms. Lovely so mean? Why did she constantly have to make the work place miserable for everyone? Why did she feel the need to put people down and crush the spirits of those around her?
The answer came when I finally had enough and decided to have a one on one conversation. The conversation started off as it usually does. I would ask Ms. Lovely “What’s wrong?, she would reply “Nothing is wrong...everything is fine...” . Everything changed when I tried something new. As I looked her in the eyes I sat in my seat in absolute silence. The message that was being conveyed however was crystal clear. I welcomed her to share her life. I welcomed her to feel safe. I welcomed her to expose her demons. She began to pour her heart out. Her eyes began to swell up with tears.
It turned out her aggressive behavior was directly proportional to the passion she has for her work. Her desire to succeed was her driving force that unfortunately trumped her need to be considerate to others. The anger that she carried around with her like a handbag was a direct result of a tough situation at home. She explained that who she is at home is completely different from who she is at work. Her situation at home was one where she was not able to speak up for herself, she was bullied, taken advantage of, and felt as though she didn’t have a voice. It became evident that her actions at the work place were a direct result of the problems she faced in her marriage.
My dislike for Ms. Lovely was based off of her mistakes at the work place. From this conversation on I began to choose to see the qualities that she had to offer the world. The truth about Ms. Lovely was that she was a strong leader, caring person, considerate, loyal, and kind. It wasn't until I decided to acknowledge these characteristics in her that our relationship began to change.
The discovery I found was that our ego is made up of the exact opposite of who we really are. The characters and the roles we play couldn't be further from the truth of who we really are. We unconsciously commit self sabotage to our true nature when we allow life situations to cast us into random roles that have nothing to do with us.
Emotions that come from the false you give birth to more damaging emotions. The false you is always compounded into multiple layers of identities.
The recognition of patterns can break the cycle and bring you back to your “you” reality. When we deal with difficult people we must look beyond the layers to see the “good” in them. Bringing out the best in others makes this world a better place. We
can start by changing our workplace.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
A few weeks ago we had the pleasure of volunteering at a local community service event for feeding the homeless in Los Angeles . This was to be the first deep within service event taking place in California . As I came up to the gate near the entrance of the kitchen it was a little hard to distinguish who was homeless and who was a volunteer. This was my first warning that the situation here in Los Angeles is very unique.
Once we entered we were greeted by the organizers and began working right away. I was immediately inspired by my surroundings. I looked around and saw people all around me who sacrificed there Saturday morning to come make a difference. We were about to spend the better part of our Saturday serving trays, mopping floors, cleaning tables, pouring coffee, stacking chairs, lifting, pushing, and pulling boxes In the end we would all walk away feeling tired yet fulfilled knowing that we took the time out to give back….Right?
When doing these kinds of things you tend to realize quickly that these people will leave the kitchen full only to be hungry again later. In one instance I was pouring a cup of coffee for one gentleman while I can hear him behind me saying " Hey! I need more coffee over here!" In another instance I politely offered someone a glass of water and to my surprise they yelled back "I told you I’m all set already!" I started to think "Why am I here?" …."That’s right I am here because YOU messed up"… why are you yelling at ME? Before my anger got the best of me I took a pause to realize these people have been through a great deal of suffering. Not just suffering in a material sense but a deep psychological and spiritual suffering as well. It wouldn't make sense for me to get angry as I am sure that the gentlemen who was yelling at me knew no other way to express his feelings. He had no other way to express the hurt that was bottled up inside of him for so long. It is like a casket holding a dead body. When that casket is opened how can the corpse not stink? Not everyone shared this gentlemen's stinky mood. Some of the people seemed so happy, so content, so grateful, and so high off of life they almost seemed to be floating their way in between tables.
The volunteers that worked with us were very diverse. The variety included teenage Christian teens, Independent business owners, Senior citizens, and even some elementary school kids. It was with the sight of the children a light bulb went off in my head. Raising a child in an environment where they know what it means to serve is invaluable. Even more invaluable are kids understanding that not everyone is as fortunate to have the same kind of luxuries they get to experience everyday. The experience as a whole taught me that the voice that was telling me that my Saturday morning didn't make a difference was not a voice of sound judgment. Call it fear, cowardly, lazy but do not call it truth. The truth is every act of service no matter how small makes a difference. In many cases it makes more of an impact on the server than the individual being served. We later discovered that some of the volunteers helping at one point were on the other side of the table receiving meals. Coming to serve after getting their life back on track was there way of paying it forward. Your love in the form of touch is enough to inspire and transform lives. There is something to be said about serving hand to hand. Mother Teresa once said "let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they (the homeless) need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go." It doesn't matter how little of a difference you think your service will make you service can heal a generation including yourself.
Your Humble Servant,
Friday, May 13, 2011
Where is peace and why don’t I have it?
Why does it seem as though peace is only around me at certain times? And then when I need it the most it’s not there? Why is it that I might say I have mastered the subject of peace but find that when the concept is ready to be applied-my mind goes blank? What happened then, did I really find peace? Did I understand it completely? What is the real issue? Within the last few weeks I’ve been asking myself exactly that.
I’ve talked with as well as observed people in order to better assimilate my study of peace. In summation what I gathered is that we don’t have sound peace because we have chosen not to welcome the present moment. We tell peace to go away with thoughts that say, “this particular situation is just not going to be peaceful,” or “ I have to handle it myself”. Allowing the mind to speak like this is to basically say that you don’t need peace to come in. Peace will therefore allow the situation to unfold until you welcome her again.
After talking and observing people I began to wonder if what they said about not having peace at all times was true. I also began to see how in certain situations we shut peace out by saying that we “got it”. As I began to seek me more clarity, in regards to peace, I was reminded about the insight that says peace dwells in an entire situation if you choose to see her.
Peace is like oxygen air it is present everywhere. Without oxygen we cannot survive. Lack of oxygen for more than a few seconds already begins to slow brain function and even lead to a coma. Peace is within all that the earth consists of. We hear peace in the stillness of the universe through the sound OM- .
Do this exercise with me, to experience what I’m talking about. Close your eyes take slow deep breathes. Take in the moment by hearing the sounds around you. Know that peace surrounds you. Then begin to chant the sound of the universe: “OM ”, “OOOM”, “OOOOOOOOOOOM”. In between breathes continue to recite the sound OM. Do this again. Allow yourself several breaths. Allow yourself to feel and to be calm. Feel your organs and the rest of your body respond to the chant.
Continual practice of this will result in an inner sense of peace, where in front of adversity your entire being will begin to recite the sound of the universe OM- You will notice that the intensity of the situation or problem no longer overwhelms you. Your peace faculty has taken over! You have begun to welcome your freedom.
With peace,
Herlay Maitre
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Reasons, reasons, reasons…
You ever hear a parent say: “You always have a reason for everything!”…
We tend to all have reasons why we do certain things. But why do we actually use them? This is the question we should ask ourselves?
Whether its overeating, not working out or not planning time to meditate. There is always a reason. We have read many books or even heard sermons on how life situations could be better. Whether its through Christ or through a self-help book inspired by motivation the message still doesn’t seem to move you? It may have an impact for a month or even a year but as time goes on we go right back to what we are comfortable with.
What separates us from the people who are self motivated and the people who have acted on a powerful message or read a book that empowered them to make a life change? The truth is they were simply able to receive what they have learned by assimilating it. They understood the Truth they learned because they were able to compare it with what is Real. They understood that their present reality was not Reality at all. They came to a knowing that was eternal. A knowing that could not be determined by their present living situation or state of mind.
Reality is the awareness that says that what I see within my inner being is who I AM. This Reality I speak of is the defining point. This is what creates success. The innate ability within that arises to sweep away the fear, the self doubt, hatred, jealousy and anything of the like. The attaining of successes is always a present Reality. You were not able to see it before, because your inner eye was veiled. Now that the blinds have lifted through the Reality of new self-awareness we can say that, “….. The old has passed away; and the new has come 2 Corinthians 5:17.”
We therefore adhere to the new self who is now aware of Reality and eternal truth.
May love and Joy follow you today!
Herlay Maitre
Monday, April 18, 2011
Motivation is defined as- the driving force that helps us achieve our goals. We cannot confuse motivation with being optimistic. Optimism is comparable to being hopeful. Motivation however is the actual force that boost that strength, it is that energy. I cant force motivation upon you. The term Motivational speaker can be very misleading. I can only put it in the atmosphere.
Cast it into the air as if it was a Wi Fi signal…. When I speak is motivation there? Of course it is but you have to be looking for it in order to connect with it. You cannot force the people around you to be motivated they have to catch it!!! What you can do however, is be inspired by your life.
Be inspired by nature. Be inspired by your own gratefulness and share your inspiration into the atmosphere that inspiration is mighty mighty enticing. It smells really really good. So appetizing, so juicy and mouth watering that one may consume it as if it was their last meal and digest Motivation within themselves. In order for Motivation to fully become a force within you you must be inspired.Here is the key…. you cannot have what you do not give.
You cannot inhale a breath with out first exhaling. In the same way we cannot be inspired and manifest motivation if we are selves are not releasing our inspiration to others. give that breathe away. Exhale inspiration so that you may in hale a fresh invigorating air full of inspiration ready to digest itself in you as motivation.
Peace and Blessings
Cast it into the air as if it was a Wi Fi signal…. When I speak is motivation there? Of course it is but you have to be looking for it in order to connect with it. You cannot force the people around you to be motivated they have to catch it!!! What you can do however, is be inspired by your life.
Be inspired by nature. Be inspired by your own gratefulness and share your inspiration into the atmosphere that inspiration is mighty mighty enticing. It smells really really good. So appetizing, so juicy and mouth watering that one may consume it as if it was their last meal and digest Motivation within themselves. In order for Motivation to fully become a force within you you must be inspired.Here is the key…. you cannot have what you do not give.
You cannot inhale a breath with out first exhaling. In the same way we cannot be inspired and manifest motivation if we are selves are not releasing our inspiration to others. give that breathe away. Exhale inspiration so that you may in hale a fresh invigorating air full of inspiration ready to digest itself in you as motivation.
Peace and Blessings
Saturday, April 16, 2011
What is the purpose of going deep within?…Deep within what, you might ask? Deep within your soul. Some might say there are many reasons for wanting to go deep within your soul. However, the ultimate reason we do anything should be analyzed. When one begins to analyze they ask questions, with the purpose of better understanding something. The purpose of going deep into your soul is to discover truth…. what kind of truth? The truth that is able to set you free. The truth that is able to set you free is the truth that arises from the mind of God. This is called the Superconscious mind, this mind is in you. However It is only through searching your soul that you will be able to connect with the Truth that is within you. Your soul represents your subconscious mind. Within your subconscious mind are influences, identities, emotions and regressions that have been there for many years. Truth is that which derives from the mind of God that is irrevocable or unchanging. Within truth one should find only Good.
This is why we write spiritual text to get you to begin to think in a way that you have forgotten. The ultimate ability to think like God is already in you but because we have been conditioned by the world and the desires of the world we have begun to forget over time. Think about it, who taught the first teacher? Who taught the first farmer? If you begin to think about it logically, you will begin to see that they were taught from within. Something taught them how to teach, or how to raise a crop and the seasons in which the crops should be harvested. Something taught these people; although fathoming, this is true. This something that taught these people is what I’m choosing to call, the Superconsciousness or God.
In going deep within, the connection that you build with what is around you begins to awaken in you a new sense of life and love. Going deep within has many benefits but the primary good that comes out of it is the communion you get to experience with your creator. This is spirituality, the ability to commune with the presence of holiness within.
Therefore, this week let us think of creative ways that we can sit with ourselves in order that we may be able to commune with God. We must go to the source in order to become like the source. It therefore is possible to be a Perfect being.
I therefore welcome perfection within and around me today, will you do the same?
Let’s go within by closing our eyes and simply breathing in and out until we have brought ourselves to the solid focus of our breath. As we breathe, we imagine a bright light going through our bodies beginning at our stomach and headed slowly to the crown of the head. We feel this light and cause it to repeat this same motion. We now allow the energy to fill us, we also in our hearts welcome conversation with the father within.
As we continue this practice there is so much that can happen, but the ultimate purpose is commune with the peace of the God presence within you.
Peace & Love to you,
Herlay Maitre
Monday, April 11, 2011
When we are studying for an exam we are sure to go over every piece of material very diligently.
We can also see this with our careers as we strive to always dot our I's and cross our T's. For those of us that are "neat freaks" we can use this same kind of energy when it comes to cleaning or organizing a room. We do not put forth great effort into these things aimlessly without a purpose.
We put in our time, energy, and thoughts because we have a vested interest in quality outcomes with these particular facets of our lives. Although school, a career, and cleanliness are all important none of them can have precedence over discovering truth, beauty, purity, and the completeness in you. While someone can clean up after you or tutor you in a class no one can discover who you are for you.
With diligence we must seek and we will find the treasure that rests inside the walls of our being. Matthew 7:7, Jesus said "…..Seek and You Shall Find; Knock and it will be opened to you. Your moment to indulge into your self is now since that’s all we ever have. We put in our time, energy, and thoughts because we have a vested interest in living in quality with life changing outcomes every day.
With Love,
We can also see this with our careers as we strive to always dot our I's and cross our T's. For those of us that are "neat freaks" we can use this same kind of energy when it comes to cleaning or organizing a room. We do not put forth great effort into these things aimlessly without a purpose.
We put in our time, energy, and thoughts because we have a vested interest in quality outcomes with these particular facets of our lives. Although school, a career, and cleanliness are all important none of them can have precedence over discovering truth, beauty, purity, and the completeness in you. While someone can clean up after you or tutor you in a class no one can discover who you are for you.
With diligence we must seek and we will find the treasure that rests inside the walls of our being. Matthew 7:7, Jesus said "…..Seek and You Shall Find; Knock and it will be opened to you. Your moment to indulge into your self is now since that’s all we ever have. We put in our time, energy, and thoughts because we have a vested interest in living in quality with life changing outcomes every day.
With Love,
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The definition of freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. This leads me to ask a question…… Can my thoughts be a barrier to my own freedom.
To answer this question I decided to ask myself two more questions Do my thoughts allow me to be myself at all times? Some times we experience certain events in our life that give birth to sublevel personalities. These personalities can take over our thoughts and create a blur between our true self and our fake personality(often called ego). Do my thoughts allow me to choose my attitude at any given set of circumstances?
Your instinct to automatically react comes from a thought pattern that you have nurtured and developed for years, However your reaction or attitude in response to a situation can actually be controlled through the very mind that tells your emotions to get mad, sad, happy, and nervous. The truth is we have the power to have dominion over all thoughts.
This is referenced in 2 Corinthians 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
So can my thoughts be a barrier to my own freedom? The answer is yes, but we can live in our freedom by stepping out of our solitary confinement which is our mental habits and giving a voice to the christ within.
I love you,
To answer this question I decided to ask myself two more questions Do my thoughts allow me to be myself at all times? Some times we experience certain events in our life that give birth to sublevel personalities. These personalities can take over our thoughts and create a blur between our true self and our fake personality(often called ego). Do my thoughts allow me to choose my attitude at any given set of circumstances?
Your instinct to automatically react comes from a thought pattern that you have nurtured and developed for years, However your reaction or attitude in response to a situation can actually be controlled through the very mind that tells your emotions to get mad, sad, happy, and nervous. The truth is we have the power to have dominion over all thoughts.
This is referenced in 2 Corinthians 10:3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.
So can my thoughts be a barrier to my own freedom? The answer is yes, but we can live in our freedom by stepping out of our solitary confinement which is our mental habits and giving a voice to the christ within.
I love you,
Monday, March 28, 2011
As the day passes by; while we are at work, completing tasks or running errands. What are the types of thoughts that go through your mind? We may even go about thinking about our next move while forgetting about the current move in front of us. We may even have a random thought about life in general, or about how this person just cut you off in traffic.
As I think about my own thoughts I often get a headache because they are happening so frequent. But what I have recently realized is that no matter what the thought is whether about traffic or your next item of purchase it is important that we choose our thoughts by allowing the universe’s experiences to bring us to higher ground; in our mind that is. If we don’t choose our thoughts they will surely destroy us. By not choosing our thoughts we are allowing the collective beliefs of the people around us to infiltrate and become more than we would like them to be. Allowing someone else to think for you removes your own innate imaginative quality and replaces it with a fear. We therefore, we need the universe to teach us as well as empower us. The universe is God’s way of teaching us. We see this in the scriptures often; an example of this is when Jesus compares Solomon to lilies in field in Matthew 6:28-29.
The universe is the Divine Mind of God in manifestation; therefore through it we understand and take into account lessons of mental freedom and peace. For example, as thoughts of confusion in dissonance fill your mind “look up”. Seriously, by “looking up” there is so much peace that comes from being reminded that you are living!
In looking up you are sure to have quick relief of the frequent mental conversations. While looking up into the sky your mind is clear in that moment; in that moment so much can happen. You begin to contemplate the beauty of the earth and commune with the glory of the beauty you are experiencing. In doing this your level of existence will begin to expand beyond yourself and what was a blur will become clear simply because you are no longer focused on self.
As the day passes by look up and contemplate the beauty of the Divine Mind in manifestation by looking up and experiencing the beauty of love, life and gratitude. I therefore challenge you today to look up and experience the gratitude that universe brings to you after you realize that your ultimate needs are met.
Peace and Love,
Herlay Maitre
As I think about my own thoughts I often get a headache because they are happening so frequent. But what I have recently realized is that no matter what the thought is whether about traffic or your next item of purchase it is important that we choose our thoughts by allowing the universe’s experiences to bring us to higher ground; in our mind that is. If we don’t choose our thoughts they will surely destroy us. By not choosing our thoughts we are allowing the collective beliefs of the people around us to infiltrate and become more than we would like them to be. Allowing someone else to think for you removes your own innate imaginative quality and replaces it with a fear. We therefore, we need the universe to teach us as well as empower us. The universe is God’s way of teaching us. We see this in the scriptures often; an example of this is when Jesus compares Solomon to lilies in field in Matthew 6:28-29.
The universe is the Divine Mind of God in manifestation; therefore through it we understand and take into account lessons of mental freedom and peace. For example, as thoughts of confusion in dissonance fill your mind “look up”. Seriously, by “looking up” there is so much peace that comes from being reminded that you are living!
In looking up you are sure to have quick relief of the frequent mental conversations. While looking up into the sky your mind is clear in that moment; in that moment so much can happen. You begin to contemplate the beauty of the earth and commune with the glory of the beauty you are experiencing. In doing this your level of existence will begin to expand beyond yourself and what was a blur will become clear simply because you are no longer focused on self.
As the day passes by look up and contemplate the beauty of the Divine Mind in manifestation by looking up and experiencing the beauty of love, life and gratitude. I therefore challenge you today to look up and experience the gratitude that universe brings to you after you realize that your ultimate needs are met.
Peace and Love,
Herlay Maitre
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Within the last few weeks I have had the privilege of speaking to many individuals. A common concept that has come out of all our conversations have been about the reasons we are choosing to do what we do. It is interesting that human nature speaks of a sense of continuation, where we want to experience longevity in some facet or another. The concept of creating longevity is appealing in that we desire to eat right, and to have jobs that feed us so that we are able to go about completing task and achieving goals that we need money to accomplish.
The concept of longevity is not negative by any means, it is in fact positive in that we desire to accomplish, accomplish, accomplish…..after we accomplish there is nothing more to do but accomplish more. Is this purpose for living simply about accomplishing? Or is it about more than that. At the end of our life we may own a home, a car, have an abundant amount of accumulated wealth and realize that all we lived for was to accomplish.
To really live has nothing to do with material gains. This is often said but do we understand the reality of the statement. If you don’t believe what I’m saying go buy yourself something and evaluate consciously how long it takes you to forget about it, or for this “thing” to become not as important as it once was. It might take 2 weeks, a minute or a day but the truth is the value of this possession will soon lose its glow.
The purpose for living beyond what we can learn by spiritual books and gurus. The purpose for living is to be in omniscience of space where you know that where you are there is abundant life. Life is an element within itself that has incredible power. The purpose of living fully is to live a Life that transforms the life of others, and that creates a way for others to awaken change within them without guilt or lack of sincerity. This is life: to make another better!
Peace is with you.
Herlay Maitre
Monday, March 21, 2011
We can live very blissfully at peace if we simply take ourselves to the BAR. Going to the BAR allows us to live in the moment and enjoy life the way we were designed to. I am not speaking about the BAR in the traditional use of the word. I am speaking about BAR the acronym. Bar means: Belief- Appreciation- Realness. This acronym, these basic words can be the treasure map leading to something far greater in value than we can imagine.
Everything begins with a belief. A great attitude goes a long way. You can’t move forward with anything until you believe in it. In comes appreciation. Appreciation gives birth to gratefulness. What you appreciate appreciates in value. Let’s look at kids for an example. They are seeing everything for the first time. They are blown away when they see their first ball game, movie, zoo etc. Do you remember when you had that feeling? Do you remember being mesmerized by life? We can take that and channel that back into our lives. We can stop to see how beautiful the sun is. We can stop to chew our food and enjoy every flavor, texture, etc. We can experience our life as if we are experiencing it for the first time with appreciation for everything generating a profound sense of gratitude.
At last we arrive at realness. We need to be real about who we are and what it is we stand for. I can remember being a teen and trying to put up a tough guy act. I remember rooming the halls of school trying to intimidate people with a frown on my face. The truth was I just wanted attention regardless of what kind of attention it was. How often do we step into roles that we know is not a true representation of how we are? It may not be as extreme as trying to intimidate someone but we play roles everyday without realizing it. If we take a minute to stop and question our actions we can find our selves acting in a role that has nothing to do with who we truly are.
These three principles bring us back to living life on purpose. When we intentionally live our lives we stop existing and we start living.
Peace and blessings
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sounds of life
Sounds of love
Sounds rejuvenating to the soul of the ocean
Sounds of laughter
Sounds of promise
The sounds of the ocean exudes
The sounds of the ocean are full of peace
And tranquility-
A sound that resonates with calmness
only felt in the soul
The sounds of the crashing waters against the waves
wets the sand with a particular magnificence.
The correspondence of the sand is love the water that over powers it
The sand recognizes the sound and commits to become perfect ground for the water to come on to it.
The sounds of the ocean are irrevocable and maintained with love.
We must never forget the sound of the ocean, as the sound once in tuned is the voice of the eternal spirit with you.
Monday, February 21, 2011
We are officially 52 days past the New Year so I figure now is a perfect time to ask………How is your new years resolutions going? Are you staying true to them? Have you forgotten they exist? Have you been battlingto keep it going? Or are you fully aware of it and living it everyday?
The key thing about resolutions of any sort is the marriage between your thoughts and your actions. You may be asking ….Why is it so hard to simply act out these great things I think about?
It is hard because there is an element in this equation that many people are not aware of…..your subconscious thoughts. A spiritual teacher once told me that “the thoughts stored up in our subconscious mind are called beliefs.” Your “beliefs” towards something is usually formed by a certain happening or situation that has occurred in your life. When an event takes place we usually form an opinion about it right away. In many cases if we don’t understand something we create an assumption and that assumption becomes our belief. Think about this for a moment. If your mind is telling you to do one thing but your “belief” says that you won’t do it; guess what? Your belief is usually what wins. This case is ideal when your belief is rooted into something you may consider positive and beneficial.
But what happens when overtime we store up “negative” or damaging “beliefs” that are simply untrue? We can inadvertently sabotage our lives without knowing it.When it comes to your own well being it may be a belief that you are not enough. You are not “Strong enough”, or “Sexy enough” or “Smart enough”. Now when we try to lose weight, make a grade for school, or have enough self confidence to look in the mirror and smile at what we see we are plagued by a belief of “not enough”. In many cases we might say it is “bad luck” or “the devil” that is working against us. In reality the negative air we breathe in we must breathe out in order to inhale fresh air once again. This is why it is so important to go deep within. Prayer and meditation is key to eliminating your body from “not enough” toxins caused by poisonous thoughts we repeatedly induce our bodies with everyday. In addition we must surround ourselves with people who love us and want good things to happen to us. This is important because their energy will become infectious to you. Ivan Panin once said “For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.” The spirit that dwells inside of you is whole. It is strong enough. It is smart enough. It is beautiful enough. It is just enough to be perfect. So instead we must fill ourselves with the air that says I have plenty. Our new belief becomes I am Plenty. The next time you look in the mirror smile and say “I am plenty”. When we make these resolutions to change something in our lives and notice obstacles know that an old belief is at work. Stay in prayer about it daily. Visualize want you are trying to achieve. Breathe in the air of I am plenty and exhale the air of “not enough”.
The key thing about resolutions of any sort is the marriage between your thoughts and your actions. You may be asking ….Why is it so hard to simply act out these great things I think about?
It is hard because there is an element in this equation that many people are not aware of…..your subconscious thoughts. A spiritual teacher once told me that “the thoughts stored up in our subconscious mind are called beliefs.” Your “beliefs” towards something is usually formed by a certain happening or situation that has occurred in your life. When an event takes place we usually form an opinion about it right away. In many cases if we don’t understand something we create an assumption and that assumption becomes our belief. Think about this for a moment. If your mind is telling you to do one thing but your “belief” says that you won’t do it; guess what? Your belief is usually what wins. This case is ideal when your belief is rooted into something you may consider positive and beneficial.
But what happens when overtime we store up “negative” or damaging “beliefs” that are simply untrue? We can inadvertently sabotage our lives without knowing it.When it comes to your own well being it may be a belief that you are not enough. You are not “Strong enough”, or “Sexy enough” or “Smart enough”. Now when we try to lose weight, make a grade for school, or have enough self confidence to look in the mirror and smile at what we see we are plagued by a belief of “not enough”. In many cases we might say it is “bad luck” or “the devil” that is working against us. In reality the negative air we breathe in we must breathe out in order to inhale fresh air once again. This is why it is so important to go deep within. Prayer and meditation is key to eliminating your body from “not enough” toxins caused by poisonous thoughts we repeatedly induce our bodies with everyday. In addition we must surround ourselves with people who love us and want good things to happen to us. This is important because their energy will become infectious to you. Ivan Panin once said “For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.” The spirit that dwells inside of you is whole. It is strong enough. It is smart enough. It is beautiful enough. It is just enough to be perfect. So instead we must fill ourselves with the air that says I have plenty. Our new belief becomes I am Plenty. The next time you look in the mirror smile and say “I am plenty”. When we make these resolutions to change something in our lives and notice obstacles know that an old belief is at work. Stay in prayer about it daily. Visualize want you are trying to achieve. Breathe in the air of I am plenty and exhale the air of “not enough”.
With Love,
Saturday, February 5, 2011
I was shy and hesitant but I insisted that I make myself at home.
I soon realized that my home was love and I was welcomed.
In fact I never had to leave because I never belonged anywhere else.
All this time I was renting in others property I had a mansion inside.
And now that I am finally home I can do everything I want to do.
My living no longer has any boundaries.
I am no longer a guest I am the master of ceremonies.
What I say goes and I am in control.
There is no place like home.
Have you found your way to your mansion?
Are you still renting a space that isn’t yours?
Im not talking about where your parents dropped you off.
Im not talking about the place where friends stop by.
I am talking about your true space of living.
The place where you belong.
Your sacred space.
There is no place like home.
With Love
Friday, January 21, 2011
Forgiveness…..your health depends on it!
The course of miracles says that all illness derive from a lack of forgiveness. Therefore as we hown in on a particular thoughts these thoughts awaken illness in the body. There are many scientific reasons or even biological reasons for an illness that physicians will explain with great knowledge and keen ability. But the fact is when you go deep into an illness you find that it due to a root cause.
Most of these causes arise from the lack of love toward the self. You may ask how can I not be loving myself if I’m taking care of myself physically, emotionally and materialistically. Your right, these are all ways of loving yourself when thought about in modern translations of the word. The Spanish word for love “Te quiero” means to want and the Haitian translation “mwen renmen'w” means to like. True love is not comprised of likes and wants it is the realm of the spirit. How you feed and care for your spirit is what will be equivalent to loving your entire self.
Once you love your entire self you can now begin to release old patterns such as the lack of forgiveness that you have been feeling or that may have been developing in your joints causing arthritis and high blood pressure. The reality is pain is usually derived from your thoughts. Arguments you may have had can cause pain within you and those words will deal with you if you don’t deal with it. Earnest Holmes one of the founding member of the new thought movement says “thoughts are things”.
I therefore encourage you to allow the words to fall off of you. I implore you to embrace forgiveness no matter how deep the words you heard cut you. To forgive a person is to forgive yourself. You might say I’m not the one who said such a horrible thing or did such a horrible thing, but in fact you are. Forgiveness doesn’t mean your gracing someone with your love because they don’t deserve it. But what forgiveness does mean is that you are allowing yourself to fully live. To live in harmony with your brother or sister is the truth and the egoic sense of pride is the false reality.
Peace & Love
Herlay & Michael
Peace & Love
Herlay & Michael
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Self-esteem is a term used in psychology to reflect a person's overall evaluation or appraisal of his or her own worth. For many people, body image can be closely linked to self-esteem. That's because we tend to care a great deal about how others see us. People also may experience negative comments and hurtful teasing about the way they look from classmates and peers. At times the comments can come from family or a significant other. The fact of the matter is there is no external measurement in this world that can ever calculate the depth of your infinite worth. No scale, no dress size, no height nor weight.
Once we understand this we understand that the negative images that you portray in your mind as you are not truly you. You are perfect. You are whole. The truth is inseparable from how you truly are. Yes… are the truth. If you look for truth anywhere other than from your inner being you will be deceived every time.
Instead of fighting to look a certain way to fulfill an image of what society says you should be….fight to be the best you… The best you believe you should be…valuing your self-worth means that you take control of your Mind, Body and Spirit.
The Mind: We captivate our thoughts and release it from the trials of lack, need, and not enough.
The Body: We give life to our body through exercise, healthy foods, and proper rest. This is all while enjoying refreshing massages and stretches.
The Spirit: Tapping into the inner most “I Am”, the essence of the identity of every man, woman, and life form. This is in you under the false society manufactured self there is the “Christ Within”, “Buddha Nature”, or Atman the indwelling of God. Being in touch with the divine inner you should be a natural part of your life. This oneness you experience deep within will have an immediate impact on your relationships and actions. This year, be your best in everything you do not because of insecurity but because of strength. Not because your are incomplete but because you are complete and your life will become living proof.
With Love, Michael Maitre
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