About Me

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Deep Within
Michael- is a man whose soul purpose is to raise the awareness of the human consciousness by way of teaching the ways of TRUTH,creating music,and by living in daily inspiration. Michael is a co-founder of the Divine Source Ministries. Herlay, is a one of the co-founders of Divine Source Ministries. She is also the author of many spiritual teachings,books,journals,etc. She is an inspired young woman who's goal is to revolutionize the world by helping her brothers and sisters throughout the world realize their "true selves".
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Our Vision

is to inspire, enlighten and educate young adults at a critical point in their lives, when the transition of responsibility, accountability and spiritual interactions take center stage. Through dedication to this program we hope to see young adults have mastery over their desires, decisions and beliefs through their inner consciousness that is based on love.
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dear you,

You come here on this planet earth to make it better with your gifts and talents. You have a dream to fulfill. You have a vision to accomplish. You are the children of this generation. You are the light and the foundation of the next generation. You are young and strong. You are the strength and the light for our generation. I want everyone to know this to be true.
I am greatly concerned about you. My deep sympathy goes to you all. Your hindrances are reaching the skies. The sound of your voice brought forth despair. Your days of hope become hopeless. The happiness of your heart is no more to be found. Your joy became sadness. I am just naming a few. You just need knowledge. So let me not waste any words and come to your rescue.

I tell the truth. I know what you are going through. Many of us have been on that road before. You are not alone. I call it the feelings of a road to nowhere. Since you are not alone, I have something to share with you. I have some key concepts to help change your life forever. Again, I do not waste words. I am writing precisely what you need to do to better your life. I want you to take advantage of it as if this was your last breath.

There are three things you must understand about life. As you believe it, so it is for you. Your beliefs shape your destiny. Learn about personal development, setting goals for yourselves, and learn how to take responsibility for your actions.

As you believe it, so it is for you. Your personal development says a lot about who you really are in life. Personal development is about things you are trying to change in yourself. Do not try to change circumstances outside of yourself. If you change yourself, things will change. In others words, if you want your life to change, change yourself. Do not try to change people such as friends, family members, and co- workers. Do not try to change what is going on out there, but change what is going-on in you. If you are willing to change, everything will change for you. This is the greatest advice anyone can give you in life.

Changing your life leads you to setting goals. Be willing to treat your past as a school, and learn from personal experience. Set your goals to things that call you to achieve. You are now leaving your past behind, and looking into the future. The future is the promise. For every promise there is a price to pay. Everybody got to pay the price. In this particular case, the price is something that will make your life better. Things that make you better, make you grow, make you change, and make you develop in life. In any given case, price is followed by discipline.

If the future sets clear, the price gets easier. In other words, If you make the promise of the future clear for yourself, the price is easy to pay. To set a good future, you must have a well designed plan. You do this by deciding what you want, making a list of what you want, learning from personal experience, learning from other people’s experience, learning by listening, reading good books (Bible), and by asking questions. These are some key ways to start disciplining yourself towards the future. A well designed future leads to hope and happiness. That is where you want to be. 

Gimsly Paul 
Friday, August 17, 2012

by Dana Pedro 

Why do we make the choices we do?
What am I thinking when I make a choice?
What are my perceptions when I make a choice?
Choices have consequences and results
What is the reasoning behind my choices?
Why did I do that? Why did I say that?
What is controlling my choices?
Who is controlling my choices?
Am I of clear mind? Is my mind cloudy? Is my mind overwhelmed?
Do I rely on others? Do I rely on past events, experiences? Do I rely on old patterns?
What are the thoughts that create my choice?
Are my choices based on Absolute Truth or a self-created truth?
What is choice?   A decision.  An outcome.  A selection. An opportunity.
We must think about our choices, for choices create the life we live.
We must understand why we make the choices we do in order to stop making wrong choices.
We must realize the importance of making good choices, and because of this we are able to enjoy a good life.
Let us ask ourselves, why do you make the choices we do? 

Monday, July 30, 2012

People care so much about what other people may think. “What will they say if I say this or do that”? It has come to a point where we can’t express what we really have on our minds anymore. This behavior has become a handicap to many people. What will people say about clothes, shoes, and hairstyles? What are people thinking when I walk to the bus stop, when I am on the bus and need to pull the cord to signal my stop, and when walking to class or to the office. A large percentage of our thoughts are focused on how others view us.

As human beings we go through so many life situations both good and bad. There are things that happen within us without us being conscious of it. Many times these happenings are a result of choices we have made. It could have been from someone saying mean things and mistreating us. It can also be from past failures, abuse, or betrayal. All these events can leave behind strong memories that affect our lives, create low self-esteem and bring self pity. As a result we can tend to feel worthless. In general this can lead to people not acting like their true selves in order to find acceptance. The funny thing is that no matter what one does, there is always a possibility of someone having something negative to say.

When will this change? How can we find peace inside?

The Lord is the only true judge. We should do anything and everything in our life thinking of God and how we can realize our true nature. Our efforts should be dedicated to him. We should be doing what he taught us by practicing: love,respect,faith,dedication, and self-less service to name a few. Our God created every one of us for a purpose and loves us all the same way without discrimination. The love of God for us is a real and true love, love that gives without expecting anything in return; love that doesn’t get irritated no matter what; love that keeps its arms open no matter how loaded anyone is. We are all little representations of God, let’s not be afraid to affirm and loudly shout that to the whole world. In spite of what happened, let’s wear the gown that is designated for us, God’s gown. There is no time to waste. Seek to please your God and not humans who can hardly be satisfied.
"Please, do you understand that there is someone in you that has created the entire universe? If the Lord is for you, who can be against you...hahaha!( Alain Dagba)"
With Love,