About Me

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Deep Within
Michael- is a man whose soul purpose is to raise the awareness of the human consciousness by way of teaching the ways of TRUTH,creating music,and by living in daily inspiration. Michael is a co-founder of the Divine Source Ministries. Herlay, is a one of the co-founders of Divine Source Ministries. She is also the author of many spiritual teachings,books,journals,etc. She is an inspired young woman who's goal is to revolutionize the world by helping her brothers and sisters throughout the world realize their "true selves".
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Our Vision

is to inspire, enlighten and educate young adults at a critical point in their lives, when the transition of responsibility, accountability and spiritual interactions take center stage. Through dedication to this program we hope to see young adults have mastery over their desires, decisions and beliefs through their inner consciousness that is based on love.
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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

An important key to success in life is to understand the power of words. A word is a thought eternalized. What we think or what we believe effects the way we live our life, it effects our emotions, our attitudes and our behaviour.Thought that are spoken are very powerful because once it comes out it cannot be taken back. Once these words are out they will have their effect.

We have all heard the old saying,“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Is this true? How many times, have we felt hurt or happy by a word said to us in the past or in the present?

Words are thoughts expressed into another form. Words contain tremendous positive or negative power and thus can be used to hurt or heal. The vibration of a word affects us on many levels. Spoken words have vibration because whatever words come out of us has energy attached to it. Whatever we say to someone else will produce some kind of an effect in that person. We are constantly creating something, either positive or negative with our words.

Words shape our reality. They are tools for expression and creation. It is time to be aware of how often we are creating through our words. Our words determine our destiny. Any given moment that we are about to speak, we have to be careful of what is coming out of our mouth. Our words have to be in alignment with what we want to see being produced in our life, our vision and our dreams.

Take time to check your thoughts before you voice them out. Are the words going to inspire and motivate? Will they create a positive or negative effect by speaking saying them? Use your words to heal a broken heart, to counsel, to motivate, to lead. Use your words to strengthen because there are many broken souls out there. Use your words to make a difference because many youth have been hurt through words. Therefore use your words to lift them up.

If you have been a victim of emotional abuse reach out to people who could help you gain that self esteem back. Speak words that will build your self-esteem and confidence, build relationships and build possibilities. Be around people who will help you awaken this inner beauty that is buried under thorns of negative words. Choose your surroundings wisely. Be around people who will speak words of affirmation, encouragement, love, acceptance and appreciation. The most powerful move to make is to start making those affirmations yourself.

I love you,

Chefiatou Falana.